Conversations with Ryan Audagnotti - Casa Herbalife

Chairman and CEO Michael Johnson speaks with Ryan Audagnotti, founder and Executive Director of the Casa Herbalife in Johannesburg South Africa, Acres of Love. They assist children with AIDS and special needs, and make an ongoing difference in the lives of these children with their love and compassion.

casa Herbalife

Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Corporate Foundations, PhilanthropyMission: The Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF) is committed to improving the lives of children around the world by supporting charitable organizations that provide one of life’s most basic necessities, good nutrition. If you are an Herbalife Family Foundation donor or volunteer, please know that the generosity and sincere commitment of supporters like you are the reason we can provide assistance to children and communities around the world. If you are seeking more information about how to donate or volunteer, our website contains helpful tips on how to get started.

Results: Our flagship Casa Herbalife Program provides over $2.3 million in funding and volunteer assistance each year to more than 100 organizations worldwide. These funds bring nutrition to more than 100,000 children in over 50 countries on a daily basis.

Target demographics: children around the worldDirect beneficiaries per year: over 100,000 childrenGeographic areas served: nutritionPrograms: Casa Herbalife funding program

Jan 17, 2013
Casa Herbalife

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